The Final On Vinyl
The Final On Vinyl Reviews LPs From All Over The World, Reissues, Limited Editions and Colored Editions and Conducts Interviews With Those Artists!
Podcasting since 2019 • 98 episodes
The Final On Vinyl
Latest Episodes
Stephen Wallack Interview #2 - The Final On Vinyl Podcast
It was nice speaking to Stephen Wallack as it has been three years since our last discussion. We talked about his upcoming release Open and about Vinyl!Keith "MuzikMan" Hannaleck

AeTopus (Bryan Hughes) Interview - The Final On Vinyl Podcast
What a great conversation I had with Bryan Hughes, the creator of AeTopus.We discussed his music, process, equipment, and other music-related topics.Keith "MuzikMan" Hannaleck

Chuck Wild (Liquid Mind) Interview #2 - The Final on Vinyl Podcast
Check out my deep conversation with Chuck Wild regarding his most recent release, Liquid Mind XV-In The Love. We unwrap the meaning behind the title and the different forms of Love one can have.Keith "MuzikMan" Hannaleck